Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What do you think of when you think of worship? What is worship like for you in your church? In your community?

Love - In worship, understand that God is Love. What God has done for us, he has done in love. When we worship, we must love God by giving freely of ourselves as he has given freely to us.
Adoration - What has God done for us? Sometimes, we ask "What has God done for me lately?" But how can we say that of God, who has given us everything we have? God's breath runs through us, and we have to adore him because of that.
Blessed - God has blessed us with so much. We bless God back in our worship.

Levels of Worship
Pho has basic ingredients that make it pho. There's noodles, soup, meat, cilantro, etc. Take away one ingredient, and it's no longer pho. Likewise, worship can't exist without all three levels of worship. So what do these levels mean?

Think of it in terms of being in a relationship
Praise - Talking to God. You let God know how you feel about him.
Worship - Like that level where you fall in love.
Glory - You really feel God. No words are necessary. You are in God and God is in you.

Sometimes, we don't know what to say to God. Let God move through you. Let him speak through you.

We sing in worship, but singing isn't the only way to worship God. We can praise him in dance, in words, or in any of the work we do and create. Worship isn't just one action. Worship is a lifestyle. Worship is a taste of what our life will be like in Heaven.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

UW Campus Based game night!

Do you like games? Do you like night? Well we have something right up your alley! This Wednesday, November 3, come to UW Campus Based game night at 6:00 PM in Smith 111!
Do you wanna be bored studying Niels Bohr? Or do you wanna ditch your Bohr-dom and play some exciting board games?

Is your cranium hurting from a night of cramming? Why not spend a night of awesome playing Cranium?

Are there words you'd like to say to your professors about their exams that are taboo? Well you still can't say the Taboo words, and we don't encourage you to say taboo words to anyone, but we have Taboo!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Well if you play Apples to Apples, we just might need a doctor because your side will hurt from laughing so much!

Okay, maybe we should've stopped at Taboo... but you get it! So come to game night!

UW Campus Based

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Saturday, October 9
10:00 AM-12:30 PM: SFL Christian Life Seminar (CLS) begins at St. Edward Parish Hall. Campus Based is part of the greater CFC-Youth and Singles for Family and Life community. CLS is the starting point for the SFL community. If you can't make it to CB meetings, SFL is another great place to get spiritual nourishment! Learn just what SFL is all about by attending the CLS series! We'll meet for the next several weeks and hear speakers talk about very cool topics! 4212 S Mead Street Seattle, WA 98118-2795

2:00-3:00 PM
: 40 Days for Life. Join Campus Based and Seattle 40 Days for Life as we take a prayerful, powerful, peaceful stand to stop abortion. Bring a Rosary, Bible, or anything else that you use for prayer. We'll stand outside of Madison Planned Parenthood and pray for an hour. 2001 E Madison Street Seattle, WA 98122

Wednesday, October 13
6:00-8:00 PM: UW Campus Based meeting #2 in Smith 111. We'll send a more detailed reminder out on Friday! But just as a heads-up, our meetings are every Wednesday from 6:00-8:00 PM.
Sunday, October 17

10:00 AM-4:00 PM: CFC-FFL Anniversary party at St. Edward Parish Hall. It's fun, there's free food... I guess I'll stop there! 4212 S Mead Street Seattle, WA 98118-2795

Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 23, 24 & 25
YFL Leader's Retreat at Lakeview Christian Retreat Center. We'll have more details (like the cost!) about this as it draws closer. 4005 S 360th St Auburn, WA 98001-9326

Sunday, October 31
10:00 AM-12:00 PM: St. Pius X 5th Sunday Music Ministry is singing at the 11:00 Mass. Do you like to sing? Do you play an instrument? The St. Pius X 5th Sunday Band could really use your talents! Practice will be Thursday, October 28 at 6:00 PM in the Church. 22209 58th Avenue W Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Bummed because you missed a UWCB meeting?

Don't worry! There are many ways to keep in touch with us!
YFL/SFL UW Campus Based is blogging! (You're already here!)
We're also on Twitter @uwcb

Monday, October 4, 2010

Back-to-School just got AWESOME!

Hey Huskies! (and Cardinals, Dolphins, Tritons, and... Technicals? haha) Sorry if we missed your mascot!

How many of you like MAD LIBS?! Everyone? Okay!

Gosh, summer went by so __________ (adv.)! But now that summer is over, I'm SO looking forward to the first CAMPUS BASED MEETING (event name)!!!

Whoa! That's crazy!!! One of the blanks was already filled in! hahaha. No worries though, because we all know that Campus Based Meeting would've been your answer anyway!

So when is the first UWCB meeting? Well for those of you who didn't already get the Facebook invite, it's gonna be this Wednesday, October 6 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM atUW Smith Hall 111! That's right! This quarter, UWCB is actually ON the main campus in the quad! Come and meet the UWCB core and learn about what we're doing this quarter (because we have some pretty darn cool things planned!)

***After 6 PM, street parking is free. Park on 15th Avenue, University Way, or Brooklyn Avenue. Smith Hall is the Southeast corner of the quad (where you most likely took your math class).***

If you have any questions, e-mail us at

Welcome back everybody! Have a blessed week!
UW Campus Based

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


"Who is your daddy, and what does he do?"
-Believe it or not, this sort of relates to the Eucharist.
-Who is God, and how does he show his Fatherhood to us?
-In scripture, God is love. How does God show that love to us?
 Eucharist is a sacrament
-Sacrament: a visible sign of God's invisible grace.
   -We can't see God, but he left us visible signs of him.
   -"Reality imbued with the hidden presence of God."
   -Sacramentality: Everything in creation has the potential to show God's glory, because imbued in it is goodness itself.
   -In the timeline of our lives, Sacraments are times when God physically enters in a real tangible, visible way.

The Eucharist is not just bread and wine. Matthew 26:26-28.
   -He said this is my body and blood, not this is a symbol of my body and blood.
   -1 Corinthians 11:23-27
     -It's not just bread, and it's not just wine. It must be cared for with great reverence.
     -Transubstantiation: Thomas Aquinas - the substance transforms into the Body and Blood of Christ. The accidents remain the same, but the reality has changed.
       -There is substance (essence/being/reality/what's at the heart), and then there are accidents (physical nature/tangible features)
     -How does this happen? Priest says the Epiclesus. But nobody knows when it happens or how it happens, but only that the Holy Spirit makes it happen.
       -It's a mystery. Are we okay with that mystery?
     -Consubstantiation: body and blood coexist with bread and wine.

Monday, May 17, 2010

[UWCB] Eucharist

Do you know what transubstantiation is?  (I mean, besdes being a really fun word to say.)  Do you know what a humeral veil is used for?  Do you know any good synonyms for "thanksgiving?"  (I'll give you a hint... it's in the subject line.  UWCB? haha)  Are you doing anything cool this Wednesday night?  Did you know UWCB has a guest speaker who studied religion extensively at UW?
If you answered "no" to any or all of these questions, then Campus Based this Wednesday is for you!  Why?  Because this Wednesday night, a very reputable guest speaker is going to talk all about transubstantiation, humeral veils, and thanksgiving!  And here's the best part... it's COOL!  How can you get in on all the fun?  Just come to UW South Campus Center, room 346 at 6:00 PM.  Don't miss out!  God bless!
Questions? Comments? Concerns? PRAYER REQUESTS? E-mail us or... tweet us? (Is that how you say it?)

Friday, May 14, 2010

What we're praying about

At our last meeting, we you wrote specific prayer requests.  Part of what makes us a community is the desire to pray for one another.

Here's what we're praying for each other about:
-For those whose lives have been affected by cancer and for their families and friends, especially for Minh's friend.
-Life in general... school, service with Campus Based, discernment with my love life, relationships... oh and Precon : )
-For a focused heart & mind, balanced life, a heart prepared for the future.
-Dear God, please look over my family & friends.
-For relationships broken to be mended and for those far from God to return with an open <3
-For CB Praisefest, we pray that Judy will say yes, we can use Newman Center's chapel  on June 11 from 6-9 PM, and that Praisefest won't conflict with anybody's schedules.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Notes from today's meeting

Did you miss tonight's CB meeting?  Don't worry! We took notes for you! (Lots and lots of notes.)

Part Four of CCC: Christian Prayer
Songs we taught:  By Your Side; None But Jesus

What is prayer?
- “For me, prayer is a surge of the human heart.  It is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy” (St. Thérèse of Lisieux).
- God’s gift, covenant, communion
   - Do we speak out from our own pride and will?
   - Or do we speak from the depths of a humble and contrite heart?
   - Prayer is a gift from God.  That gift is the opportunity to have a relationship with God.  Therefore, we must receive that gift with humility.  In order to receive the gift of prayer in all its fullness, we must, first and foremost, be humbled (CCC 2559).
   - God started this (CCC 2567).  It is God who took the first step in initiating this relationship with us (CCC 2562).  God made us and God thirsts for us.  But having been made in his image and likeness, that thirst is reciprocated.  Everybody’s looking for something: they’re looking for answers, looking for meaning, looking for a purpose.  Whether they know it or not, those things can only be found in God.  Our search is really a search for God (CCC 2566).  God revealed this to various people in the Bible.  He told numerous prophets, “You will be my people, and I will be your God.”  This is the covenant between God and man (CCC 2962).  And God wasn’t asking.  He didn’t say, “You could be my people, and I could be your God.”  Still, we have a choice.  But St. Augustine wisely noted, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in [God].”
   - What does prayer actually do?  Prayer allows us to communicate with God.  That’s why we call the Eucharist “Communion.”  Through the Eucharist, we engage in the closest communion with him possible.  When we consume God, God consumes us; we’re as close to him as we can possibly get.  But we can’t just sit and eat Eucharist all day.  That’s where prayer comes in.  Communion with God is communicating with him (CCC 2565).
   - From the moment human beings were first formed, God and man had communication.  The fall of man created a rift between heaven and earth, yet God was still willing to communicate with man.  God chose the righteous: Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jacob, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, and so on to be mediators between God and the people.  These people regularly prayed to God; they regularly communicated with him.  And it’s not that God chose these people because they were perfect or sinless.  They were the complete opposite.  But they were humble.
   - Everything that they did and said was an offering to God.  God looked into their hearts and saw that they had no intention other than to live lives that were pleasing to him.  There were obviously more people than just those specifically mentioned in the Bible, but it took many people a while to realize that a personal relationship with God was possible.
   - Even Jesus had to learn this.
- Jesus prayed
   - Jesus learned how to pray from watching those in the synagogue pray.  He learned from watching Mary pray.  He learned how to pray humbly, with his heart (CCC 2599).
But why in the world would Jesus pray?  After all, he is God, isn’t he?  Jesus acknowledges his need for prayer in Luke 2:49 when he says “I must be in my Father’s house.”  We pray in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  While Jesus was on earth, he had the Holy Spirit with him, but the Father was in heaven.  And so Jesus prayed.  He prayed from his heart and he prayed often.  He said “I must be in my Father’s house” (Luke 2:49) because he knew that the Father completed him.
   - Oh… so it’s like that.  Who’s never watched a chick flick?  I’ve endured many chick flicks.  I can’t name one, but there’s one line that stands out.  “You complete me.”  How romantic, right?  You complete me.  The Father completed Jesus.  And so Jesus, who you’d think would have had no need to pray, prayed.  Communion with the Father completed him.
   - Communion with the Father, and the Son completes us.  We were given the gift of the Holy Spirit through Baptism and Confirmation, and the Holy Spirit is shared with us through the good people we encounter.

- How do we pray?
   - How do we commune with the Father and the Son?  Jesus said “the… Holy Spirit… will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you” (John 14:26).
   - Indeed, Jesus did teach us how to pray.  Our Father…  But he didn’t give us just words.  Jesus gave us values, morals, an example of how to live life as a prayer; in communion with God.  And Jesus taught us how to be quiet.  Jesus said “I must be in my Father’s house.”  He didn’t say, “I have to teach in my Father’s house” or “I have to read Scripture in my Father’s house.”  Jesus understood the importance of simply being with God.
   - For much of my childhood, I was raised by Mama and Papa.  They talked, but there were a lot of times when they didn’t say anything to each other.  They were just with each other, and that’s all that mattered to them.  I didn’t realize it then, but as a relationship matures, just being there is worth more than all of the conversations you’ve ever had.

- There are three ways to express prayer.
   - Vocal – can be words or actions (CCC 2700).  Blessing, Adoration, Petition, Intercession, Thanksgiving, Praise.  You can even tell Jesus you don’t really feel like praying.  Whatever is on your mind, God wants you to take time to tell him.  He wants you to be honest with him.
   - Meditation – The Bible, daily readings, prayer books, devotionals, chants, the rosary.  Meditation engages thought, imagination, emotion, and desire (CCC 2708).
   - Contemplative – Contemplative prayer is the simplest form of prayer, yet is possibly the most profound.  No words or actions are necessary.  Yet in this prayer, God enters into the depths of our heart and reveals mysteries to us – about who we are, what he wants us to do, offering us comfort, all in the silence of our heart.  Remember Saint Augustine’s quote?  “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”  This is what he means.  God loves us through silence.  And this is not just any silence.  In this silence, we are overwhelmed with God’s love, mercy, compassion, and comfort (CCC 2717).

- Who do we prayer to?
   - First and foremost, we pray to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  God is who we want that relationship with.  We bring our needs, or concerns, and our praises to him daily.  And we can only pray if we have the Holy Spirit, for “no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:3). If you can pray, you have the Holy Spirit.
   - Mary – people often wonder why in the world we would pray to Mary.  Why would Catholics ever pray the rosary?
   - The rosary is a vocalized form of meditative prayer.  While we pray the rosary, we meditate on 20 mysteries, only 2 of which are even really about Mary.  But Mary is honored nonetheless because of her contribution to the mysteries of Jesus.  Because Gabriel’s words were not his own.  They were God’s.  We chant the “Hail Mary” 53 times… nuns say it 203 times.  I’ve heard people complain that they hate praying the Rosary because it’s so boring and repetitive and their minds often wander because of that.  That’s exactly the point.  After the first 5 Hail Marys or so, let your mind wander.  Let your mind wander to meditate on the mysteries of Jesus (CCC 2676).
   - We pray to the saints and angels.  Yeah, saints and angels.  Because they are righteous.  And “God hears the prayer of the righteous” (Proverbs 15:29).
   - But that doesn’t mean God doesn’t hear our prayers or that their prayers are any better than ours.  But we pray for their intercession just like we ask our friends to pray for us.

- Answering prayers
   - Even if we prayed to God, Mary, the saints, and the angels, there’s a chance we might not get what we want.  That sounds messed up.  So what exactly are we praying for?
   - God knows what we need even before we ask (Matthew 6:8).  It seems selfish that God would want us to humble ourselves and pour out our hearts to him, even when he knows he’s not going to give us what we want.
   - Are you going to spoil your kids?  I’m not.  I’m not going to give them everything they want because I know that they don’t need everything that they want.  I’m going to make my kids work for some of the things that they want.  I think working for what you want makes you stronger and builds character.  I think not getting everything that you want makes you appreciate more the things that you already have.  I think living with less makes you appreciate the things that really matter more.  God is our Father; as our parent, he understands these things very well.  We’re not spoiled on earth for a reason.  We have but one true possession on earth that we can take to heaven; and that is God.
   - If God says “no” to your prayer request, it is not because your prayers are weak.  It’s not because you lack faith.  It’s not because you’re not praying often enough, hard enough, with enough people.  It’s not because you’re a bad person.  It’s because God is saying “my child, you already have me.”  God even said “no” to Jesus when Jesus asked to be spared from suffering.
   - When we pray, we want what we think is good for us, but let’s change our attitude about prayer.  Don’t ask for what is good, ask for God.  Jesus did.  Mary did.  They said “Let your will be done, not mine.”
   - But just because God says “no” doesn’t mean we should stop praying.  Just because God already knows what we need doesn’t mean we should stop praying.  Remember that praying isn’t just about asking God for things.  What if I became a priest and the only reason why anybody came up to me was to ask me for something?  What I got married and had kids and my kids only talked to me because they wanted to ask me for something?  Our relationship with God is much more than asking God for stuff.  He really wants to be my Father.  He wants to be my brother, my friend, my guide, he wants us to be everything for us.  He wants to complete us.

- God took the first step in creating us.  So we have the answer to life’s big question:  Why are we here?  We’re here to have a relationship with God.  We’re here to work out all of the kinks in that relationship because we know that we’re not perfect and we know we need some work before we join him in heaven.  And how do we do that?  We pray.

Monday, May 10, 2010


We've heard it all before: "Singing is twice praying" (St. Augustine). "We got to pray just to make it today" (MC Hammer). But what is prayer? Why do we pray? How do we pray? Is it selfish to pray for myself? Why do Catholics recite so many "canned" prayers? If you're ever pondered any of these questions, then come pray with us this Wednesday, May 13 6:00 PM at UW South Campus Center room 342.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo at Newman Center

Come to Newman Center's Cinco de Mayo celebration tonight at 6:00 PM! UW Campus Based will be there to fellowship with members of the oldest Catholic Church on campus as part of UWCB's fellowship week. See you there!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Two great weekends in a row (part 2)

Yesterday, UW Campus Based completed its first ever CB Discovery Camp! Discovery Camp was led by three full-time workers, Mary, Anton, and Wendell. We had 15 participants (including one ninja). It was refreshing... it was everything that is relevant to anybody entering college, about to graduate, or already graduated. It seems like the perfect transition to bridge the gap between YFL and SFL. And for the everyday college student who is trying to figure out where she's going, it's the perfect weekend to discover that direction too. Praise God for such an empowering weekend!

Two great weekends in a row (part 1)

Last Sunday, UW and SU Campus Based joined with SFL and provided food for the 95 residents of Tent City 4. It was a deeply humbling experience not just to serve them, but to be invited to tour their close-knit community. It was truly an honor to serve with brothers and sisters from SFL. We honor them for planning this community service project and definitely look forward to serving with them more.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Discovery Camp

For those of you who are attending camp as Campus Based participants, this weekend is a CB Discovery Camp. It's at Lakeview Christian Retreat Center in Federal Way. Friday night is going to be a chill night, so if you're late, no worries at all. If you need an address for the house, e-mail us and we'll send that out to you!

The cost is $50 for the weekend.

YFL Camp April 30-May 2, Camp Forms

Do you still need a camp form? SLACKER! haha just kidding!!!

Download your printer-friendly camp form here!

This form is for the Youth Camp and the Campus Based Discovery Camp! So if you're planning on attending Camp as a Campus Based member, it's the same form!

Catholic FAQs

Last night, UW Campus Based heard a great talk about common questions and misconceptions about the Catholic faith. Afterwards, we debated on two issues ourselves: abortion and the rules of receiving the Eucharist. In case you missed UW CB last night, here are some notes from last night's meeting!

Apologetics: Greek apologia meaning "a speaking in defense." The defense of Catholic-Christian doctrine.
-Where we get the English word "apology."
-Catholic apologetics does not claim that you're wrong and we're right, rather what we believe is not unreasonable.


Top 5 Googled questions about Catholicism
1. Why do we obey the Pope?
A. Matthew 16:16. Catholic Church is "apostolic." Supreme bridge-builder Pontifus Maximus. Infallibility of the Pope. Pope is the Servant of servants of God.

2. Why do we call priests "Father?"
A. Matthew 23:9 contradicts this Catholic tradition. The point was that one cannot have two masters. But put in context, this doesn't apply to our tradition. Family members are who we first encounter Jesus through. That familial tie is why "Father" is used.

3. Why do we, as Catholics, confess our sins to priests?
A. The apostolic tradition. "Whose sins you forgive are forgiven, whose sins you retain are retained." Talking to priests goes back to the "fatherly" guidance from priests. It takes a lot more humility and shows a sincere desire for repentance, because it is not easy to tell somebody what you did. You've already been forgiven. Confession is about accepting God's healing.

4. Are Catholic traditions and beliefs established anywhere in the Bible?
A. We teach things based on two forms of tradition: written tradition and oral tradition. In spite of corruption and corrupt leaders, we still have to believe that the Holy Spirit was going to fix our mistakes because God wouldn't let his people be led astray for so long.

5. Will you be saved?
A. To be saved, you must be given and accept the gift of Jesus. In baptism, we receive that gift. We are born again through baptism, because the gift of Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life (that was given for all nearly 2000 years ago) is re-given. Yet baptism does not guarantee salvation in any way. Salvation is a matter of how we respond to the truth we encounter in life. You wouldn't throw away a gold ring, especially if you got it as a gift, right? But the gift we have been given is worth much more than gold. But what if you never hear about Jesus and so you never have a chance to even be baptized? God knows no boundaries with his love and salvation. Salvation isn't about who's right or who's wrong, it's about the way you live.


Where does the Church stand on...
abortion? The Catholic Church is against abortion. However, those who have had abortions are not turned away from the Church. In fact, the Church believes that more than anything, we must reach out to those who have had abortions - and not just the would-be mothers either, but also the would-be fathers.
homosexuality? Homosexual feelings are not sinful. Homosexual acts are.
women entering the priesthood? In the apostolic tradition, Jesus called men as his apostles. We are not at liberty to change a tradition that Jesus started.
the death penalty? CCC 2266.


Agree or Disagree? (we debated two topics)
Using contraceptives?
Arguments: Contraceptives don't allow for (or artificially reduce) the probability of pro-creation during intercourse. Yet family planning via timing your menstrual cycle, monitoring hormone levels and temperature are allowed. Some people go to great lengths to get this right so that they don't have to worry about having kids if they have sex. It becomes such a problem that sometimes, it is just overboard. A line must be drawn, because for some people who use "family planning," they've invested so much money into fancy hormone indicators and done everything to prevent having a child that they may as well have used a contraceptive. There are some women who have to take birth control pills to regulate hormonal imbalances. Birth control controls the hormones that regulate your period. Some people really need that because hormonal imbalances are not good. Just as long as you don't take advantage of the pill for sexual purposes, it's okay for therapeutic purposes.

In general, we felt it is not okay to use contraceptives for the purposes of preventing child-bearing, including withdrawal (Genesis 28) because contraception is not natural.

Rules of receiving the Eucharist (need First Communion, must be in the state of grace, must be baptized Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Catholic)?
Arguments: Jesus instituted different rites and rituals while he was alive. At the very least, he implied the use of them. Before instituting the Eucharist as a tradition to celebrate in his memory (Eucharist is a common Jewish meal), Jesus was baptized. He told his disciples to baptize others. He taught the Apostles how to pray. Jesus, in a sense, was preparing his followers for the ultimate experience with him: his Eucharist. The first Eucharist was no public matter; it was only Jesus and the 12. The preparation that they went through was necessary so that they could even try to begin understanding the deep mystery Jesus was unveiling. It's not that non-Catholics are not welcome, rather we would like to help them understand just how important the Eucharist is. Sadly, there are Catholics who go to Mass because they're stuck in that Sunday routine; some people thinking about RCIA may know more about the Eucharist than them. Or like the woman afflicted with hemorrhages (Mark 5, Luke 8), there may be desperate people who believe that if they could only touch Jesus, they may be healed. Or for somebody who is at the crossroads of life: what if receiving Jesus could be that push he needs right now to get started going in the right direction? What if she was thinking, Maybe God can help me. I'll go see what's up at this church (which just happens to be Catholic). During Communion, non-Catholics are invited to come forward and receive a blessing during Communion. But sadly, this invitation and the explanation of it are often limited to weddings and funerals - such occasions when priests know non-Catholics may be present. Maybe this is the root of the issue. We never know who's going to walk into Mass, and so we should take care to make sure everybody knows what's going on during Communion. At the very least, it could serve as a reminder to those who are just stuck in a routine.

Catholics don't prevent anyone from coming to God. We don't check ID at the door. We don't lock our doors once Mass begins. But we do ask that you be prepared to receive Jesus, just as Jesus prepared the first disciples. In the interim, there's no reason why non-Catholics and those not in the state of grace can't come forward to receive a blessing. Our Churches just need to be more transparent about that. With all that said, we agree with the rules themselves, but feel that the awareness of them needs to be raised.

Do you agree or disagree? Do you have unsettled questions? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Now on Twitter too!

Well that was quick. I distinctly remember saying we wouldn't do twitter... at least I wouldn't. But because one of our core members doesn't have anything better to do (actually, he does; he's just not doing it!), UW Campus Based is now on twitter! @uwcampusbased. I don't know though... it takes 15 characters just to retweet us. Should we change it to @uwcb instead? Let us know what you think!

Hillsong London - Where the Love Lasts Forever

So about that music... here's something you might like! We sure like it!

"Where the Love Lasts Forever"
Words and music by Joel Houston
Performed by Hillsong London
Album: Jesus Is (2006)


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

[UW Campus Based Meetings] April 28, 2010

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, come to YFL UW Campus Based. God bless!
UW Campus Based

Got cha! You might have been wondering, WHAT?! Is that it??? Well actualy, that is it! This Wednesday, April 28, come listen as we answer some of Catholicism's most challenging and frequently-asked questions!
Has anybody ever asked you, Why do you Catholics "worship" Mary?
or Why do you Catholics "worship" idols and statues?
or Gross! Do you really think you're eating Jesus' body and drinking his blood?! Isn't that... like... cannibalism or something?
As odd as any of these questions may seem, these are all questions Catholics get asked almost every day! And even for many of us Catholics, it's difficult to separate fact from fiction! So come to UW Campus Based and listen as we debunk some of the most common myths and clarify common misconceptions about the Cathlic faith. Come prepared because afterwards, you'll have time to ask some questions of your own!
So that's Wednesday, April 28, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at UW South Campus Center Room 342.

Have a blessed night! We hope to see you on Wednesday! If you have any QCC's about Wednesday (or about Campus Based), contact Jenny, Bernadette, Minh, Dominique, or Jason (You don't have to contact us in alphabetical order by last names though.)

UW Campus Based
Need directions to SCC?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hello world.

UW Campus Based is now blogging! Why? Because tweeting is waaaaay overrated! Plus, when you check back every week, not only can you get updates on what's happening, you can download camp forms, get links to important CFC-FFL, SFL, YFL, and KFL websites, and even listen to some of the praise and worship music we're listening to!

We hope this helps us to keep in touch with you even better! So check back, leave questions, comments, and concerns, or e-mail us! God bless.

UW Campus Based Core Team
Jenny, Bernadette, Minh, Dominique, and Jason